Virginia Pre-Trial Data Project
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Patrick Henry Building
1111 East Broad Street
Suite B036
Richmond, Virginia 23219

Welcome to the Virginia State Crime Commission
The Virginia State Crime Commission is a criminal justice agency established in the legislative branch of government in accordance with section 30-156 et seq. of the Code of Virginia.
The purpose of the Commission is to study, report, and make recommendations on all areas of public safety and protection. In so doing, the Commission shall endeavor to ascertain the causes of crime and recommend ways to reduce and prevent it, explore and recommend methods of rehabilitation of convicted criminals, study compensation of persons in law enforcement and related fields and study other related matters including the apprehension, trial and punishment of criminal offenders.
The Commission is directed to make such recommendations as it deems appropriate with respect to the foregoing matters, and shall coordinate the proposals and recommendations of all commissions and agencies as to legislation affecting crimes, crime control and criminal procedure. The Commission cooperates with the executive branch of state government, the Attorney General's Office and the judiciary who are, in turn, encouraged to cooperate with the Commission. The Commission also cooperates with governments and governmental agencies of other states and the United States.
Need to report a crime?
The Virginia State Crime Commission conducts crime research and is not a law enforcement agency. If you need to report a crime please contact your local police department. If you have an actual emergency please call 911. If you need to reach a police department or report a crime please see the contacts below.
Virginia State Police: (804) 674-2000
Central Virginia Crime Stoppers 1-888-798-5900
Consumer Protection Hotline 1-800-552-9963